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About Us: Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health

As part of the University of Maryland School of Public Health, the Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health (GEOH) focuses on impactful research and innovative individually tailored student programs that translate to actions, policies and interventions at local, national, and global levels.

Our faculty, students and staff engage in cutting-edge research, scholarship and practice in areas ranging from airborne infectious disease transmission and food and waterborne disease to environmental justice, cumulative risk assessment and the impacts of climate change on human health and vulnerable communities. Our projects are highly interdisciplinary and include collaborative partnerships with researchers on campus and around the world.

In our graduate degree programs, students delve into the intricacies of environmental exposure assessment, risk assessment, environmental health policy, toxicology, environmental epidemiology and much more, while working directly with faculty on their research and practice projects. Beginning Fall 2024, GEOH is home to two new undergraduate programs: a multidisciplinary Global Health major and, in collaboration with the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Environmental Justice concentration of the Environmental Science and Policy major. The students in these programs will have the opportunity to engage in experiential learning at home and abroad.

As you consider possible opportunities for undergraduate or graduate study in global, environmental, or occupational health, please reach out to our faculty and students for more information. We look forward to you joining our vibrant community!

Amy R. Sapkota, PhD, MPH
MPower Professor and Chair, Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health

Learn about the Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health (GEOH) - formerly the Maryland Institute of Applied Environmental Health (MIAEH) - from our faculty and graduate students.